Sunday, June 22, 2008

I Finished the 5K Race!!!

Last night, I finished my first 5K race in over 10 years! It was a bit of a hard course in that the whole first part was down hill, then the whole rest of the course was only up hill - the gradual kind that never ends!! So, that was a bit intimidating. But I finished in 38 minutes, 9 seconds. I think I will continue to try to run and compete in some more 5K's, training to improve on my time. I don't have any desire to run a longer race at this time, like a 10K, half marathon, or marathon. I think the 5K's are just my speed!
Here are the runners in our group of friends before the race started
(Kevin & Melinda, Me, Melanie)

Kevin and Melinda

Melinda (my running twin) & myself

My supportive hubby (who was in charge of the pictures for the event) and myself

All of the runners in our group after the race was over!
Kevin (32:30), Melinda (39:47), Me (38:09), Melanie (30:12)
Melanie just had a baby 4 1/2 weeks ago and beat all of us!!! Way to go Melanie!

Here is a short video clip to prove I did actually run!! :-)

1 comment :

  1. very exciting jill! i'm proud of you. keep it up, and now you will have to start encouraging me to run....i haven't since about october or something : ) love you and great job!
