Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Stomach Bug for Mommy

I unfortunately got a short stomach bug this past Saturday. Ethan had it earlier in the week on Tuesday, then my mom got a hint of it on Thursday, and I woke up with it Saturday morning. It was definitely not fun at all! Luckily the throwing up part only lasted a short while that morning, but it wiped all of my energy out for the rest of the weekend and first part of this week. I am just now feeling pretty much back to normal today, thank goodness! So, in that regard, I don't have any new pictures to post from this past weekend.

This coming weekend, Ethan and I are going on a road trip with my old college roommate, Ginger, and her two girls (age 4 and 5). We are driving up to northern VA (about an 8 hour trip) to visit our other two roommates from college, Kelly and Julie. We try to all four get together at least once a year for a "girls" weekend. However, this trip will be the first one that we are including kids on. I am only bringing Ethan with me this time. I don't think the trip will be too enjoyable or stress free for me if I bring Caleb along too.

I hate to have to leave Caleb home and out of special things like this. I absolutely love and care for Caleb in only a way a mother can for her child . . . but the truth is that he is very challenging and can be hard to control and deal with in everyday situations in familiar settings at home, let alone being away from home and trying to deal with him and Ethan all by myself. Sometimes I feel guilty that I feel this way about my own child, but those who know him or have been around him for any length of time can probably attest to the fact that he can be difficult. I really pray that as his language hopefully progresses, all of these frustrations he has will be vented in better ways than screaming and throwing tantrums. It is very hard to have such different experiences with behaviors of two different children. I know that every child is different and has their own personality. It is just perplexing to me sometimes how Ethan has always seemed easy to deal with, and Caleb has always seemed difficult. I commented the other night to Scott that maybe we should have a third, so then Caleb would seem easy to deal with maybe?? Somehow I don't think we're quite ready for that challenge!

1 comment :

  1. i wrote a long comment that was deleted. but to say it n a nut shell. when charis was a baby she was so hard that i told chris that i was leaving and that he could have her. and I meant it!!!! there were so many times i wondered what i was doing wrong. Now she is the easy one and so wonderful i cant imagine life with out her. Each child has challenges but God gave you each of them knowing your ability's personality and special gifting. Prayer can change the heart of a child like nothing else can. Dont be afraid to discipline, be consistent and most of all pray. that is my two cents. I know He will bless you for your efforts and give you joy in these younger years. cant wait to see you!
