Monday, May 12, 2008

College Girlfriends Weekend in VA with Kids

I finally am starting to feel a little recovered from my college girlfriends weekend up to VA that I took with Ethan two weekends ago! It was a 10 1/2 hour drive there, and about 8 hour drive home. Then of course with the kids (first time we've included kids in our yearly visit) things were go, go, go without much time to relax! It was fun getting to see each other's kids, but we just didn't get as much "girl time" in. Hopefully it won't be long before we all see each other again!

Julie's son, Brayden, with Kelly's daughter, Caroline

Ali (Ginger's daughter), Brayden, Michaela (Ginger's daughter), Knowles (Kelly's son), and Ethan

Julie and I

Julie and Kelly

Kelly, Ginger, and I

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