So, technically I wasn't tagged by someone else. But I saw this on another friend's blog and thought it would be fun to do it on mine also and tag some other people.
The Rules: Once you’ve been tagged, you have to write a blog with 10 weird, random, facts, habits or goals about yourself. At the end, choose 6 people to be tagged, list their names & why you tagged them. Don’t forget to leave them a comment saying “You’re it!” & to go read your blog. You cannot tag the person that tagged you, so since you’re not allowed to tag me back; let me know when you are done so I can go read YOUR weird/random/odd facts, habits and goals.
1. I have a degree in Middle Grades Education (grades 6 - 9) with concentrations in Math and Language Arts - but after teaching for a couple years, decided I didn't want to go to a job everyday where I could expect to be disrespected the majority of the time. So, now I use my Math background in accounting and work with adults and enjoy it MUCH better! I wouldn't go back to teaching.
2. My first job, besides babysitting and working at summer camp with Deaf children, wasn't until I was in college. And then I worked for a Deaf professor, because I was in the American Sign Language major my freshman year. I did office tasks for him and had to learn how to use TTY on the telephone and communicated with him by signing. Then after changing my major (several times at that: ASL to Accounting to Teaching), then I got a job off campus working at the GAP.
3. I can eat a whole bag of popcorn (Smart Balance Movie Theater Butter Style) in one sitting, and often do!!! It is my guilty habit of snacking at night . . . got to work on that!
4. My restaurant of choice right now is Olive Garden . . . I always want to go there lately - love the breadsticks, salad, & black tie mouse cheesecake for dessert the best! I could skip the meal and just eat those things and be happy!
5. I had 3 sets of braces growing up. Possible result from being in a military family and having different doctors with different opinions for each set. I followed all the rules, wore my retainer, and my teeth still moved back after the second set! After the third set, I got permanent retainers on top and bottom, that are still in to this day, 14 years after getting my 3rd set off. Guess the retainers are working!
6. I have never smoked or drank alcohol. Just have better things to do. Enough said.
7. I really like office supplies . . . I've toned down my supply and stash in the most recent years, but I still love a good supply of colored pens to write with in my planner!
8. Speaking of planners, I can't change to digital scheduling. I love the old pen and paper style of planner binders that I have to write everything in. It somehow helps me remember what I have to do better than a digital device, whether it be computer, hand-held blackberry type scheduler, etc. And I record EVERYTHING in my planner - I review it every night for what tomorrow holds for me to do and remember to do. If I don't write it down, I don't remember.
9. I like sleeping with pillows piled around me to support my back . . . even when I'm not pregnant! We really need a king sized bed instead of our queen . . . poor Scott!
10. One goal I have right now is to spend intentional time with my boys. I make sure I leave work no later than 3:30 so I can spend the afternoon with them. Hopefully when they start full time school, I can arrange my hours so I can be the one picking them up from school most days. That is important to me.
OK, now I am going to tag the following people - my fellow bloggers - just for fun! Don't forget to send me back a comment when you've finished your list so I can go and read yours! Thanks!
Stacy W.
Megan B.
Kyndra (you might have already done this before on your blog though)
Lynna Kay
Victoria C.
Melinda C.
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