Saturday, May 31, 2008

Zoo Atlanta

Over Memorial Day weekend, last weekend, we went to visit our friends who live in the suburbs of Atlanta. While we were there, we did a lot of fun things, including a trip to the Atlanta zoo. We had not been to the zoo before as a family, and this was Ethan's first time. We spent about 5 hours there! Longer than we had expected, but there was a lot to see and do. They even had a kiddie area with a train that Ethan and his friend Ben loved to ride. Another favorite part of the zoo were the maps. Ethan and Ben used their map the whole time to help us navigate where we were going next. Ethan really, really wanted to see the giraffes, so I was sure to include a picture , which Ethan took himself sitting on top of Scott's shoulders, below. It was a fun time, but we were exhausted afterwards. We ended up staying an extra night at our friends' house before driving home, so we could recover a little! We got a ton of pictures, but here is just a sampling:

Caleb & I on the kiddie train

Scott & Ethan on the kiddie train

The picture Ethan took of the giraffes

The warthogs (with their new baby between them)

Elephant (they were showing us how they ate, it was neat!)

Caleb in front of the kangaroos

Ben & Ethan in front of the railroad crossing, using their maps

Caleb smiling nice in the stroller (we all wished we had a stroller with all the walking we did!)

Ethan & Scott with the elephants in back

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