Sunday, May 15, 2011

Alaina is 14 weeks old (3 1/2 months)!

I can't believe how fast the time seems to be going by with little Lainey.  We have started calling Alaina Lainey for short sometimes.  She is just so sweet and such a content, good natured baby most of the time.  She is consistently going 8 hours between feedings from night to morning, which is so wonderful!  She is also such a social butterfly!  It's amazing the differences I can see between her and the boys at this age, just in her talking!  She doesn't nap that great during the daytime, but I think it's because she doesn't want to miss anything that is going on.  As long as she's happy, and sleeping at night, I'm okay with that!  :-)  Here's  pictures of her in her outfit from her Auntie, Aunt Megan.  She is getting so big!

Here is video of her talking away!

Alaina talking 14 weeks old

1 comment :

  1. Yay! My little niece looks so cute in her outfit. I do love her and miss her and all of you! Thanks for sharing!
