Tuesday, May 13, 2008

More Quantity and Quality Time

Mother’s Day sparked a renewed decision that I need to be home more for the boys, both in quantity and quality time. Having such a flexible work schedule is really nice, but it can often make it hard to keep a set schedule, just because I have the freedom to make it what I want. Sometimes I get on a roll at the office with the tasks I am doing, and just keep going! Lately, we have been so busy at work, I have been staying until 5:00/5:30 and just getting home in time for dinner. Having flexible child-care from my mom makes it even easier to lose track of time! But these are precious days that I need to be spending with my sons, and learning to get to know them even better, and them me. So, starting yesterday, I made the commitment to make sure I leave the office at 3:30 pm at the latest. If there is still more work to do, I can always log on from home after the boys go to bed and complete it - another nice perk of my job! So, yesterday, Ethan and I had undivided time together for about 1 1/2 hours, and during that time we played Hullabaloo together, as well as a game to practice writing his letters. Then when Caleb woke up from his nap, we all three played Hullabaloo and played outside after dinner. A nice evening of quality time with my boys indeed. Today, I have been sitting outside on our back patio in the sunshine updating my blog, working on a few financial updates for the household, and enjoying watching Ethan and Caleb play on their swingset with a couple other neighborhood friends. So today's time together wasn't as structured as yesterday's, but just me being here with them in quantity is nice. Both quantity and quality time together are so important, and I'm happy to be back on track with my commitment to both! It can often be hard balancing motherhood with working outside the home, but thankfully I am refocused to do my best at both for the time being!

1 comment :

  1. I'm having a hard time with this with Sterling. He is 15 months old but still takes 2 naps a day (2-3 hours a piece, sometimes longer) and then sleeps 12-15 hours at night! He is only awake sometimes 6 hours in a day! Crazy lucky I know, but I still feel like when he is awake I am not paying enough attention to him. You've inspired me though, I'll be better.
