Thursday, May 15, 2008

Combining Blogs

This will be a very long post . . . I basically am combining an old blog I started before this one, and only posted to a few times. I wanted to have the posts for my own memory, so I am transferring them here onto this very long post. Please don't feel like you have to read this, unless you just want something to do! Enjoy or feel free to skip!

A New Blog

I started this new blog today. It is my attempt at keeping some sort of online journal. I don't know what all I will write about. Probably just my experiences, thoughts, and feelings of my everyday life. It may not be of much interest to most . . . but may be of some interest to my family at certain times. I hope to recount daily memories here of my family . . . Scott, Ethan, and Caleb - my three guys! (Husband of almost 7 years, 3 year old son, and 8 month old son at the time this blog starts.)

What is new this week? We have been working on relandscaping our backyard and making it "playable" for the boys. Scott and Grandpa Bailey just finished putting together a new swing set for Ethan and Caleb. They have already enjoyed playing on it the past two evenings this week. Now, we just have to get grass to grow! I am excited about spending more time outside together as a family. I think this will be something we will all cherish and use for years to come!



Here I am awake . . . not uncommon lately. As I type, my 8 month old is stirring from his sleep. It is always just as I am about to go to bed that he will start. I guess that is the joy of having a baby! I should remember this as a time to cherish, not a time to dread.

Earlier tonight my family went out and around on one of our "errand" nights. We ate fast food, and then went from store to store looking for a birthday gift, getting a few odds and ends we needed, and hunting for new patio furniture. Even though it sounds boring, this is one of my favorite things to do. Just to be out and about with my family and spending time together. Ethan and Caleb do surprisingly well being drug from store to store! I guess it helps that Ethan got a few new toys in the process! Well, I better try to go get some sleep! Until next time!


Lazy Saturday

Lazy Saturdays, like today, are one of my favorite things. I love when we don't have any set place to be or things to do and we can just hang out at home and relax. Today is one of those Saturdays. Caleb had fun rolling around the floor playing, Ethan was playing with balloons we blew up to celebrate Grandma Brisken's B-day later this evening, Scott is going through music CDs and organizing his music on the computer, and I am working on editing and updating all my websites. Now both boys are resting in their rooms. Peace . . . nice!


In a Mood

When I feel the way I do tonight, I often feel like writing to get my feelings out. But then later when I look back on what I wrote, I always wish I wouldn't have put my feelings in writing. I guess in a way sometimes I am ashamed to feel depressed. I am so blessed in my life, and there really isn't a reason for me to feel so down. So, I am sitting here typing and listening to music on my ipod by Chris Tomlin. His songs really lift me up and help me refocus on what really is important. "Holy is the Lord God Almighty. The earth is filled with His glory . . . " But I do think that God understands when we feel discouraged. And I don't think He holds that against us. I just hope I wake up feeling more refreshed and in a better mood tomorrow!


Babies Grow Too Quickly

I haven't been on here in a while. I have been enjoying reading my sister, Stacy's blog, so I thought I would come and type and entry in mine. Sometimes I don't know exactly what to write about. But I guess I will just share a few special moments from my day.

About my title, my boys - Ethan 3 yrs and 5 months and Caleb almost 11 months. I can't believe how fast they grow! I almost have a 1 year old, and it really seems like not that long ago that he was born. It's seemed to go so much faster with the second child. Lately, I have been cherishing putting Caleb to bed at night. Scott and I pride ourselves on the fact that we taught both of our boys to be able to go to sleep on their own, without a long drawn out process of rocking and laying with them etc. Most of the time we just lay Caleb down and walk out of the room. But lately, I've been rocking him for just 5 minutes at the most before laying him down. Because we've taught him that we usually only rock him when he's awake, he doesn't fall asleep while being rocked. But it has been a special time to just cuddle him and pray for him and love him. I know soon, he will be too big to hold. Although I hope it is not for a long while! Tonight I also carried my 3 year old baby to his bedroom for bedtime. I am just amazed at how much love you can feel for your children. What a blessing God has given us in our two boys!

Those are my feelings for tonight. I have started tutoring online in Algebra and have a session to get to. Until next time!


Screamer and Update on Various Things

For the last few days, Caleb has been screaming! Ask anyone around, and you will hear a blood curdling scream that really hurts your ears! The thing is, he's not in pain, he's not hungry, . . . we don't know why he is doing this! It is really starting to wear on mommy's nerves though. We have been telling him no, because it's almost like he's just doing it to hear his own voice. I haven't heard him make these loud screams since he was a baby, only now he's got a lot more ooomph behind them, so they are a lot worse! Maybe from a mother's point of view, it is the worst. I feel like when we are out in public, everyone is looking at me to control my child. How do you make a 1 year old stop screaming though?? Well, I hope it's just a stage that is over tomorrow! I am worn out from it.

Other than Caleb's screaming, we've all been a little sick. I got sick with some sort of virus/infection that knocked me out for 3 days in the bed. I don't remember the last time other than maternity leave that I missed 3 days straight of work. And then of course, playing catch up is exhausting in of itself. Scott has had a bad cough for about a week and a half, and the boys have colds. I am just ready for everyone to be healthy again! We need some normalcy around here . . . although what exactly is normal?

I'm trying to learn more and more to trust God with our finances. Although it is hard. We try and we try to stick to a very minimal budget, but it is very hard when normal expenses are more than the income. I'm back to almost working full time again between my accounting and tutoring work, and Scott is working a full time job plus part time job. I don't know what more we can do, other than what we should be doing all along - just giving it to God. This morning we tithed and gave it all back to God. We normally do tithe, but this morning it was harder than usual, because things are so tight. I know some might think we could cut back on things even more than we do, but all I know is that we do the best we can and can't do anything more. I am stressed out enough as it is, and just can't worry anymore about it. It is just a day to day struggle that I struggle with. Giving it back to God, because it is all His anyway . . .


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