Thursday, August 28, 2008

The rains came down and the floods came up . . .

. . . into our house! Tuesday night Scott and I had just finished up an hour long work session at each of our respective computers, and got up at 11:30 pm to head to bed. Scott stepped into a pool of water! It had been raining heavy off and on all day, and around 9:30 pm he had gone out to check all of the drains we had put in after the last flooding we had several months ago. Everything seemed to be working fine and there was no standing water. Well, two hours later I guess it was a different story. We think the water built up in one of the last downpours on our patio and rose high enough to go under our vinyl siding and into our floor in the living room, then spread across the whole back part of our house, with water in the kitchen and most of the toy room too. We were up until about 1:30 am moving everything out and sopping up water with towels. I just wanted to cry. The new wood floor that Scott put in only a month and a half ago is now warped in some places. I guess we'll have to figure out what to do next. We had someone come in and flatten the yard in the Spring of 2007 and so now when it rains that heavily, the water has no where to go except up against the house. We thought we had solved the problem with different drains we installed, but either more are needed or we need to redo the grading again! Money is tight though, as we already have put so much into these yard and flooring projects, so I just pray we'll figure out a way to solve this before the next torrential rains hit!


  1. Ugh!!! I'm so sad you are dealing with this! I would have been in tears, especially that late at night. I hope you figure everything out!

  2. so sorry about the water issues.. megan came today and we were in the pool it was so nice to see them. they said you have more pics from the wedding we will have to trade or at lest share . the storller is a phill and teds it is pricy so if you have no more kids maybe not worth it.
    love ya
