Thursday, November 26, 2009

Happy 10 years to our friends, The Heltons!

A few weekends ago, we celebrated with our friends, Kevin and Melinda, and their son, Ben, in their 10 year wedding renewal ceremony.  The Atlanta Children's Shelter was having their first ever 40-40-40 weddings.  40 couples got married in 40 hours for $40.  The weddings were held around the clock all weekend.  Some were first time weddings, some were renewals.  All the flowers were provided, the ceremony, a mini reception, and pictures all for $40!  And all the proceeds went to benefit the Children's Shelter.  What a neat concept and so fitting for our friends, who are some of the most giving people we know!  Scott, Ethan, and I were able to go down for the ceremony and be a part of it.  Since both Scott and I stood in the wedding with our friends, we left Caleb with my Mom because we didn't think he could handle sitting down in the ceremony by himself with people he didn't know.  It was a beautiful ceremony, and we wish our friends many, many more years together!



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