Monday, November 3, 2008

Clone Troopers on Halloween Night?

We had a fun time playing Clone Troopers at home on Halloween night. Scott found these printable Clone Trooper masks online that you could print out and cut out to wear. This was all in response to Ethan saying he had REALLY wanted to be a Clone Trooper instead of Handy Manny for Halloween. But since his Mommy and Daddy had gone the "no cost" costume route this year, this would have to do for fun! I guess if we would've gone trick or treating, we would've been quite a funny site! But instead we just spent a fun evening at home. Who ever thought I'd be playing Star Wars Clone Troopers with my three favorite guys? I must love them a lot! :-) Caleb didn't like wearing his over his face, so he wore his as a hat on top of his head.

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1 comment :

  1. Jill...I think I would actually be pretty scared if your whole family came to my door wearing your clone star wars masks!!
