Thursday, December 20, 2007

2007 Christmas Yearly Update

Merry Christmas 2007!

Dear Family and Friends,

It is that time once again to update you on the happenings of our year, and to look forward to updates from many of you also!  We can’t believe another year has gone by, but are once again thankful for all that God has done in our lives in 2007.

Our lives continue to stay very busy with our two little guys.  Ethan turned 3 years old in February, and began attending 3K Preschool at our church three mornings a week starting in August.  He absolutely loves his teacher, Mrs. Blackwood, and is learning so much!  He continues to be interested in letters, as he frequently asks what “letters say” when we are reading together, and has a curiosity about writing his name along with other family member’s and friend’s names.  He also loves counting things and telling us how many of things there are anywhere we go!  He is enjoying getting to participate in 3 year old choir and mission friends every Wednesday night at our church, which Mommy helps out with.  And of course one of his favorite things is being big brother to Caleb.  Although he sometimes has to shield himself from the “roughness” his brother can bring, he likes playing with his little brother most of the time.

Caleb is our little ball of endless energy!  He turned a year old in August, and continues to bring excitement to our every day life.  He learned to walk, or should I say run, shortly before his birthday, and has put those skills to good use!  Although he is not talking much yet, he says a few words, such as “light,” which he is fascinated with turning lights on and off right now.  We often hear screams right now to tell us what he wants.  We are quickly trying to change this habit.  If only he could get some relief from his constant teething pain as well, we would all feel a lot more comfortable!  He of course looks up to his big brother in more ways than one.  Constantly trying to do all the things his big brother does, play with cars, trains, balls, etc. keep the need for a referee close at hand when the two brothers are playing together.  We look forward to what this next year will bring, as he continues to grow and develop into his unique and special personality!

Scott seems to barely have a moment to breathe lately with all he is doing.  August 2007 marked the start of his third year working at Huttig Building Products as an Inside Salesman.  He also continues to work his part time job two evenings a week delivering pizzas to help with all of the additional costs of raising children!  We are hoping to be able to cut his workload down to just one full time job in the very near future.  Any spare time he has, he devotes to his boys and wife.  Our family is so blessed to have him as the head of our family, taking care of us all, despite his overloaded schedule of work.  Of course he has to make a little time to fit in keeping up with Star Wars news.  He has started an extensive collection of Star Wars Minis which he enjoys getting to use to play the game when our brother-in-law Zach comes to visit, and will play with him. 

Jill has continued her work as an accounting assistant at Wolverine Coatings Corporation this year, and thoroughly enjoys the job, as well as the flexibility she is given to be a Mom first.  She also has taken a second part time job this year, tutoring online in Algebra through – she connects virtually 5 – 7 hours a week with hundreds of students all over the country to help them with their Algebra homework.  This helps her to keep her teaching skills fresh and she enjoys this new form of tutoring, as our busy schedule has not allowed her to continue tutoring students in our home this year.

Our family has experienced loss this year as both Scott’s Grandpa Brisken and Jill’s Grandma Bailey passed away in the Spring.  We made two trips to Ohio in March and April to attend the funerals and to celebrate and remember their lives.  They will be greatly missed here in our life on earth, but we look forward to the day we will once again be reunited in heaven!

We are so thankful once again that both sets of Grandparents live nearby.  Our boys are so fortunate to have Grandma and Grandpa Brisken and Grandma and Grandpa Bailey as a daily part of their lives.

It is because of our Lord and Savior’s birth, Jesus Christ, that we celebrate with you this Christmas.  We pray that you and your families are enjoying a healthy and happy holiday season, and we look forward to reconnecting with those we haven’t heard from in a while, and staying connected through the New Year.

Please sign our Guest Book before you leave to let us know you stopped by!

With Love,
The Brisken Family
Scott, Jill, Ethan, and Caleb

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