Wednesday, April 16, 2008

When Ethan grows up

On the way home from 3 year old choir and mission friends at church tonight, Ethan and I had a discussion about things he wants to do when he grows up. And of course the start of the discussion was initiated by Ethan. First he asked if when he got bigger and could drive, if I would teach him how to drive to my work because he wanted to be able to come there and work. I asked him what he wanted to do when he grew up and had a job. He said he would like to work on computers, like I do, but then after a moment more of thinking he realized he didn't have a desk at my work and wondered how we would solve the dilemma. Then he forgets that dilemma to tell me that he will sometimes have to go work at Papa John's pizza like Daddy. I told him that Daddy hopefully won't have to work at Papa John's forever though, and that he has another daytime job in sales. So then Ethan remembered Daddy's daytime workplace and determined that he would also do some sales like Daddy. I encouraged him to keep doing a good job of listening to his teachers in preschool and doing well in learning new things, and that would help him get into a school or training to have the skills necessary for doing the job he wants to do when he is older. Then not to get too far ahead of ourselves and to get his 4 year old mind off of deciding what he wanted to do for a job for the rest of his life, I decided to change the subject. I asked him what type of sports he would like to learn how to play more. I figured this would be a good time to ask, since he was in a conversational mood, which is sometimes hard to get him into at times. He said he would like to learn more about how to play baseball and basketball. Then I asked him which one he would like to learn the most out of those two, and he said basketball. Like other drives we have together just he and I, like on the way to preschool in the mornings, this discussion revealed more of his growing personality that I love learning more and more about every day.

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