Thursday, April 10, 2008

Workouts, Dove Chocolates, & Andes Mints

Readers of my blog might have noticed I've added "My Latest Workouts" and "Distance Totals" on the right side of my blog. I've been recording my walking, running, and elliptical workouts on this site called It allows you to record your workouts, journal how you feel doing them, record regular routes, personal bests, and much more. You can even record which shoes you use, so it keeps track of the mileage on your shoes, so you know when to replace them. Best of all it is free! Although it is fun to record things there and have it link to this blog, it somehow is still not keeping me from wanting to eat my snacks of choice, which are Dove Dark Chocolate squares and Andes Mints. In fact, I am enjoying some right now as I type this! Perhaps I will start limiting myself more from these types of snacks as we inch closer to our beach vacation. We have just secured a week long beach vacation at my friend's beach home for the second week of June. So, I better get serious about getting swimsuit ready, since I only have 2 months now! I also like the site, It is a completely free site also that even makes nutritious suggestions for meal plans, exercise programs, and more to reach your goal.

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