Saturday, June 28, 2008

Posing for Pictures

Caleb and I had some time to spend together just he and I this morning. Scott was outside running the yard sale, Ethan had gotten to go spend the day with Mama Brisken, so it was just Caleb and I left inside to enjoy the air conditioning. Poor Scott and my mom out in the heat!

Caleb and I played trains, watched Elmo, played with his kitchen, and cleaned everything around the playroom. He is quite the little helper with cleaning. Just give him a wet wipe or paper towel and he goes to town wiping things down! At the end of our cleaning session, Caleb agreed to me photographing him. He even took instruction well about where to put his hand on the one with him touching the counter of the kitchen. You can see the remnants of the wet paper towl clutched in his hands as well. I just enjoyed the time we had together, and praised him a lot for acting so well. This is one of those sweet times that Caleb and I had together, that is definitely blog worthy to remember! As you can tell, he is recovering quite well from his emergency room visit yesterday!

And while I'm on the subject of Caleb, I will take a moment to recall a lot of words that he is saying lately. Back in March, we could come up with the following 8 words that he was attempting: Daddy, Mama, Light, Cat, Doggy, Duck, Milk, Bye Bye. We were supposed to keep track of his progress of words he was continuing to attempt and make sure that we were seeing progress. We are definitely seeing progress . . . now he says these additional words that I can think of right now: Juice, Cheese, Thank You, Love You, Yes Please, Bath, Choo-Choo (train), Hi, Ready Set Go, Chair . . . . and I'm sure there are others. So, this is encouraging to see him continuing to progress with attempting new words. I'm sure soon we'll have the same problem we have with Ethan - not being able to get him to stop talking!!!
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1 comment :

  1. Sounds like you two had a very fun day! Caleb is SO CUTE! I can't wait to see him again. And you too : ) Love you both!
