Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Sampling of Wedding Pictures

These are just a sampling of wedding pictures that I got off my mom's camera. I was so busy being in the wedding as a matron of honor, singing a song, etc. that I didn't even take any pictures with my own camera over the whole weekend! I am hoping to get pictures from my mother in law as well, and will share a lot more once I get them all together!

Megan looking beautiful in her wedding dress before the ceremony

Megan's new second family - the Cox family
Charis, Victoria, Ilana, Chris, Mike, Megan, Cindy, Bill

Megan and Mike with the wedding party
I don't know all the guys names, but the girls from left to right are:
Cara, Lindsay, Me, (Mike & Megan), Stacy, Jaclyn, Jacqui

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  1. Yes!!! i finaly can see your pictures . they are so good.. I hardly got any at the wedding and none of chris and I together ahhhh. oh well that is what happens when you have kids all the pictures we have are of them. love ya

  2. Megan looks so beautiful!!! What a beautiful bride!! It looks like the entire weekend was a lot of fun!! You and Scott look great, too! I look forward to seeing more pictures! Hope you are having a good week!
