There were a few funny things that happened around our house over the weekend that may not seem funny to anyone else, but I want to remember them for my own sake.
1) Caleb sang out loud for the first time! This is the first time that we can really say we've heard him singing and that he knew what he was doing. Most of the time when Scott, Ethan, and I sing in the car, Caleb yells "No!!!" over and over again wanting us to stop. I thought he was not going to enjoy music the way our whole family does, and was sometimes concerned, but hoped it was just a phase. Well, since being in 2 year old preschool, he attends music class once a week, and is always very proud to show me his music stamp he gets and seems to really like his music teacher. If only I could be a fly on the wall and see how he acts in class! But back to the story about him singing. . . on Friday evening, my mom was watching a friend of ours' baby, Jacob, who is about 5 1/2 months old. Jacob started crying and Caleb was very concerned. We told Caleb he should sing to Jacob and make him feel better. Caleb then proceeded to open his mouth extremely wide and just as serious as can be sang a tune - it had no words, but was clearly a song with different notes going up and down. It was so cute and funny at the same time! I wish I would've had it on video!
2) Ethan reminded me of myself when I was young. He wanted to play school with me. My sisters especially, can relate to this characteristic in me. I was always making them play school, and of course I was always the teacher! My sisters didn't enjoy this game as much as me when we were young. At first, Ethan was the teacher and he went through what we needed to do for school. I believe he was imitating his own teacher from preschool and going through all of the sayings she says and the activities they do at school - since it was just Ethan, Caleb, and I playing we also had to have Ethan's imaginary friends in our class with us - Bob the Tomato, Junior Asparagus, Larry Cucumber (characters from Veggie Tales who are somehow also Ethan's imaginary friends when he plays with them). Bob was our Line Leader, Larry was our weather person, etc. etc. Then at one point I was the teacher, and Ethan was sure to tell me if I did anything different than his teacher and how it was supposed to be done. Ethan is definitely a lot like me! It's funny when you see your own characteristics showing up in your kids!
yeah, I remember the big chalkboard mom and dad got for you for christmas one year...that really made our vacation fun:-)
ReplyDeletelove, stacy
ReplyDeleteI also remember those fun days of having to do school work over the summer for Teacher Queen Jill!
I wish I could have heard Caleb's song! Did it calm Jacob down or just scare him? : )
love, megan
Yes, sorry sisters for being the bossy teacher . . . believe me, I'm getting repaid in the same way by my own son now!!! And yes, Megan, Caleb was able to calm Jacob down while he was singing, it was very sweet. Ethan has been asking for a little brother that he could name Jacob, and Caleb has been extra sweet to Jacob each time he is around him . . . hmmmmm, I still don't know if I'm ready for another one though! Ethan said he only wanted a brother, so what happens if we had a girl?