Sunday, May 3, 2009

Zoo and Other Things

(**To see the pictures above bigger, just click inside the box in the top of the picture and you should be able to see them bigger I think**)

I realize I haven't blogged in at least a week or more . . . each time I sit down to do it, something else takes up my time! But I thought I'd go ahead a do a quick update tonight before another week starts!

Last weekend, we went to the Greenville Zoo with both sets of grandparents. It is a smaller zoo, but just the right size for a 5 year old and 2 year old to walk through and it doesn't take the whole day. We got yearly passes so we can go back again since it's only 20 minutes from us, and the passes are also good at participating zoos, including Atlanta and Columbia so I'm sure they'll get their use through the year. I had some better pictures than the ones above from the zoo that I had copied from my mom's camera, but I'll have to put them on another time because . . .

Milk got spilled on my laptop computer earlier this week, which had those other pictures on there. Unfortunately, the keyboard no longer worked even though we dried it out as soon as it happened. The neat thing is that I am now typing on my new laptop. It wasn't something we neccessarily wanted to have to spend money on right now, but there was a sale on a laptop at Best Buy that fit my needs for hard drive space and whatever else I need (Scott told me this was a good one! :-) And so here I am on the new laptop! I actually really like this one a lot better than my old one. At least I got a good 2 1/2 years use out of my former one. It's amazing a spill didn't happen sooner. Needless to say, there are new drink rules for around the laptop now! We considered trying to make it with just one computer for the time being, but that wouldn't work too well, since I often work from home, and while I'm working on the laptop, Scott is often working on the desktop at the same time.

Scott is still enjoying his new job at BMC West. He seems to really like it there, and although it is an hour commute each way, he says it's actually better than his former 30 - 40 minute commute south. The highway going north is better equipped with more lanes to handle more traffic, so it is a straight drive without all the stopping and starting that there was going south to his old job. I think he just uses the time to decompress, listen to music, listen to podcasts, etc. . . I'm happy that he's happy. We never heard back officially from the other education job, but it seems that the job he is in is meant to be at this time. We are so thankful.

Well, that's enough of a long update for now. Better go get to bed!

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