Monday, September 23, 2013

Fall off to a full swing!

Every Fall I feel like this . . . it's off to a full swing, and I am behind!  Behind with keeping up with my blog because we are so busy.  So here's a quick recap before I get even further behind and forget things:

The boys started school.  Ethan is in 4th grade at the intermediate school and in an all boys class this year.  He has Mrs. Revan for math and science and Mrs. Fowler for Language and Social Studies.  So far he is liking his new school and new routine there and doing great.  All A's already for the first 4 1/2 weeks!

Caleb started 2nd grade and is in the elementary school in Mrs. Pepper's class.  This is the same teacher Ethan had for 2nd grade, so we are happy about that!  I love it when we get to experience a great teacher again with a different child.  Caleb is doing well being in the school without big brother, even though they both were sad that they wouldn't see each other in the halls anymore.  We also have quite an elaborate carpool/pick up schedule since both schools start and get out at the exact same time.  Thankfully I have two grandmothers that can help me out or it would be much more difficult!  Caleb is doing well so far in his class too!

Alaina's new thing this year is dance class.  She is in a Mon Cheri Bebe class of all 2 year olds - a ballet/tumbling class and she LOVES it!  That girl has music in her head, dancing, singing most of the time! For a girl with 2 older brothers, and the baby of the family, most of the time she gets dragged around to all of their events, so I'm happy she has dance just for her this year! 

Caleb had his 7th birthday . . . how is he already 7??  He celebrated with friends at a pool party.  It thankfully didn't rain that afternoon (like it had been) and he had a great time.  The pool had a diving board which was a huge hit with all the kids!

Now, soccer has started for the boys so every weekend is filled with at least 2 games.  The boys are both playing on more competitive teams this year, with AYSO, so it's both challenging and exciting for them (and for us to watch!)  They are on different teams this year because of their ages, and both are doing great!

And even though I said at the end of one of my last posts that I wasn't getting into photography again, now I am!  At least I think I am.  Some families have asked me about doing some family photo sessions again, preparing for Christmas cards I'm thinking, so I decided to start back early doing sessions in October and November, so that hopefully I won't get so burnt out this year.  We'll see what happens!  Maybe I can earn a little money towards Christmas this year.  I started back up my photography site,  I love photography, just still don't have a lot of time still to spend on it.  Hopefully I can manage my time better this year, and still have time for my family!

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