Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Beach - Monday - Day 1

I am so thankful we got to come to the beach this year for our vacation. We're excited to be with Scott's parents for the vacation week too. Last year we had to postpone it, because Scott had lost his job, started a new one, and didn't have any vacation time accumulated yet at his new job to go last summer. God surely has sustained us and brought us so far from where we were at last year. Now here's to a great week of fun and relaxation at the beach! 

Our first day is always very busy, the boys are so excited to go and try out everything. Our schedule for today looked like this: The beach and pool in the morning, afternoon of playing in the condo after lunch, Scott and I went on a 2.4 mile run/walk on the beach (still have to fit training in for our 5K race we're doing in June!), then out to dinner at Hard Rock Cafe at Broadway at the Beach, then home. Big day = tired boys. And tired parents, but yet I'm still up after midnight blogging? :-) I guess it's just the freedom that I can feel on vacation! Here are some of my favorite pictures from our first night and day at the beach!

1 comment :

  1. Jill,

    I really appreciate you taking the time to share your family's activities; it helps me to stay a little more in touch. Glad to see and hear that everyone had such a nice time at the beach. By the way, looking at the eyes, I'm guessing they go from top to bottom as oldest to youngest. Think I actually recognize the eyes. :-)
