Sunday, June 15, 2008

Last Days of Vacation

Here we are at home again, reminiscing of our days of vacation, looking ahead to starting work again tomorrow. Well, not really looking forward exactly! Here are some pics from our last days of vacation. We had a great time!

Visiting the Lazy Gator gift shops. They had a real gator that lived near the shops!

Going to Beachfest . . . getting to see Bob and Larry from Veggie Tales. Ethan really wanted to see them, but then was a little unsure when seeing them in person.

Ethan got a special treat to go play putt putt with Papa Brisken and Daddy . . . they didn't start until 10 pm and finished at 11:30 pm! It was the last night of vacation, and we figured Ethan could sleep in the car on the way home the next day. He did surprisingly well for being up so late, which isn't a regular occurrence for him! He even got a hole in one!

1 comment :

  1. Wow what great pics and what a great vacation!! I'm so glad you guys all got some time to hang out and relax a little (hopefully :)). The boys are growing so much so fast I can't believe it's a whole 2 more months until i get to see them again! Of course that means it's only 2 more months until my wedding too. WOW....can't believe how time flies. I am looking forward to it so much and to seeing you guys. Keep showing Caleb pictures of Mike and I so maybe he will hang out with us a little : ). Love you guys!
